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Sophia Baluch
Född i Michigan
83 years
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Stel Back to Yesterday June 21, 2013
Your 64th wedding anniversery was yesterday & I journeyed into the past remembering. You know how much you are missed dear girl.  A true loving daughter to mom, a loving sister, wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, sister-in-law and friend to many. You were a wonderful and caring person and that is a great trait that you were born with and never changed.  It was you, dear Sophie.  I miss you.
Alicia Miss You June 17, 2013
Well Mom - everything has been done with your estate.  I hope you are proud of how I handled everything.  I know you are watching over me, but I just would like one more day to sit and talk to you about everything.  Nothing means much to me without you to listen and give me advice.  You never judged my feelings and I really needed that.  I know you and Dad are finally together, but it just isn't right that you're gone.  I wasn't ready for you to be gone.  I just miss you so much everyday and it  hurts so much.  I don't want to talk to anyone just yet, it's so hard to talk about you not being here.  Everyone hurts so much.  It's just not fair:(
carol MOM June 4, 2013
Mom, I hope you know Alicia and I will get through everything .We have each other and we will not let anything ever hurt us. We love and miss you and know that you are with us every step of the way. You are in our hearts, always. XX0000
Stel Remembering May 18, 2013
Yesterday, Richard was in town and took,Edith, Jean and I to lunch at Polish Century Club on Dequindre.  It was so nice and we thought of you and how much we missed you not being with us.  Remembering when we went to Vegas & what a nice time we had.  So many wonderful memories.  We may not have them in our future but we sure have a lot of good ones from our past which you were part of.  Just reminiscing.
Stel Our movie memories. May 14, 2013
Sof, i just watched an old movie that i know you would have loved.  "Showboat" with Irene Dunne and Allan Jones.  Just got thru crying as i know you would have cried also.  Our kind of romantic oldie.  At the end I just started to cry thinking of how much you would have enjoyed it.  I would have called you and we would have talked about it.  I just miss those times.  Also, i watched "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" another one we both liked.
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