I hope you are proud of us and how we've handled everything. I know you are smiling on us and we are with you every second of every day. You left us too soon and the pain is unbearable but the memories we have and the love we feel from you still makes it better. We have lost the most perfect mom ever and our life will never be the same. Love you and miss you mom with every breath I take.
Stel |
Stel and Sophie |
March 16, 2013 |
Remembering that I stood up to your wedding and you to mine. You were 20 yrs. old and a new life was beginning for you. You became a mom of three children, a boy and 5 years later, a girl and five years after that
another girl.
To say that they were your life is an understatement. They were your joy, your happiness and most of all your love.
When life gave them, at times, unsurmountable burdens, you were there to give them encouragement, words of wisdom, support in every sense of the word and above all, LOVE.
You instilled this in then so strongly that your example of these qualities is imbedded in each of them.
Dear sister, we remember.
Stel |
Childhood memories |
March 5, 2013 |
I remember when you & I were at camp. You were 8 & I was 10.
We cried 'cause we were homesick but we had such a great time that we cried again when it was time to go home. Remember singing: Na stodole sowa siada i sucha kto tam gada? I recall you fell and scraped your knee and calf. You and I experienced a wonderful memory. It was good that we were together otherwise we really would have been homesick for the whole two weeks. In a way, I am homesick for you right now.
Emma asked about you the other day. She asked Cari, "What cloud is GiGi on with Jesus?". Yesterday when we were in the car she looked at me and said, "I miss GiGi." She thinks about you often, as we do. Thank you for giving me one of your most precious possessions, Ron, he is just like you, kind and a wonderful person. He misses you so much.
Love you,
Marlene |
Aunt Sophie |
March 2, 2013 |
I remember the summers when I was little spending a week or longer at your house . Ron and I would go out exploring or just going up to the school. I always saw your loving ways, you made me feel so welcome. Many,many great memories of you aunt soph. You are so missed:(
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